First Merchant Market Segment

Partner with us as the First Merchant in your market segment to be paid online by encrypted cards on iPhones and Android phones and receive a monthly ongoing 10% of what we make when your competitors in your market segment are paid online by encrypted cards.

Your CT Reader is only used one time at your store by your customers to Bluetooth place encrypted cards on Android and iPhones and is not needed again.

  1. You save an average 52% when paid online by encrypted cards as compared to a type in card.
  2. You will no longer lose No Knowledge disputes as the CT Reader created the encrypted card that paid you from an iPhone and Android phone.

The No Knowledge disputer must explain to the card issuer how someone could use their Android and iPhone to make the encrypted card transaction and who knew the password to open their Android and iPhones. The No Knowledge disputer loses.

We will send you a CT Reader to be placed at your store for Jane and Jim and John to use to one time Bluetooth place their encrypted cards on their iPhone and Android phones.

At home they buy your product online with their encrypted cards as they want to take advantage of the discount you offer to be paid by online encrypted cards.

You are leading the way in your market segment to be paid online by encrypted cards and we pay you 10% of what we make when your market segment competitors are paid online by encrypted cards, and we will help you to locally promote your store as where a CT Reader can be found.

If you have any questions, you can email Tom directly at or sign up here:

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